Harris County Management Services Population Study - March 2011 - Commissioner Radack

09 Aug 2011 8:10 PM | United Republicans Harris County (Administrator)
Commissioner Steve Radack
Thank you to Harris County Precinct Three Commissioner Steve Radack for providing URHC with a copy of the Harris County Management Services Population Study.

We have included excerpts from the beginning of the study and it's conclusion.  We know that many of you will be very interested in this study.

To read the full report click here:  Population March 2011 final.pdf


This is the twelfth report in an ongoing study of population changes in Harris County and their impact on demand for County services. The Census bureau released 2010 count data in late February and this report is a comparison of the 2010 count to the previous 2000 and 1990 census counts.

Harris County is Growing Fast

Harris County continues to be the nation's third most populous county with 4.1 million residents as of April 1, 2010 and one of the fastest growing counties in the US with a population increase of 20% since 2000 and 45% since 1990. Harris County contains all or part of 34 cities including Houston, the nation's fourth largest city. The following chart shows the population for Houston,
the other cities in Harris County and the Unincorporated area of the County.

The unincorporated area now represents 38% of the total county population, up from 31% in 2000.
Between 2000 and 2010, 75% of the growth in the county was in the unincorporated area.

Unique Unincorporated Area

 Harris County is essentially home to the 2 largest cities in Texas if you consider the unincorporated area as a stand-alone city. The Census Bureau has not yet released 2010 count data for Arizona but there is a chance that Harris County Unincorporated may pass Phoenix in population which
would make it the fifth most populous "city" in the US.

Harris County is the only county in Texas and likely the only county in the US with such a
significant unincorporated area. The following chart shows the data for the top five "cities"
in Texas.

The Next Ten Years

The following shows the projected growth in population during the next 10 years assuming that
the growth patterns from 2000 to 2010 continue for Harris County with no significant areas
being annexed by the city of Houston.

The unincorporated area would pass the city of Houston in population by 2018 if the current trends continue. Total Harris County population would pass the 5 million mark in 2019. The next chart shows the population inside and outside the tollway assuming the same trends continue.  Over 86% of the growth in population over the next 10 years would be outside the tollway.

Harris County government provides much of its services to residents throughout the County including
people living in Houston and surrounding cities and towns. There are some services, such as law enforcement and public safety, public health and animal control, and libraries that are provided primarily to the unincorporated areas of the County.

While nothing is certain, all indications are that Harris County will continue to experience
significant growth throughout the County in all 4 County Commissioner precincts and especially
in the unincorporated areas. The demand for infrastructure to support this growth, as well as
increased demand for services such as law enforcement and health care, will make it necessary
to maintain adequate sources of revenue for budgetary purposes.

Note:   This study contains the following additional information on:

Population Spreading Out
Infrastructure and Growth
Harris County Precincts and Redistricting
Growth Trends by Area
School Enrollment Trends
Growth of Surrounding Counties
Sources of Revenue - Property Tax Levy
Growth in Number of Single Family Homes
Inflation plus Population Growth

To read the full report click here:  Population March 2011 final.pdf
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